Please see our FAQ page for common questions.

We only accept samples from COMPLETED, unpublished (including self-published) fiction manuscripts of at least 35,000 words.

We focus on the following FICTION genres: horror, suspense, paranormal, romance, dark romance, erotica, book club fiction, and historical fiction, though we are open to other fiction genres if they are well-developed with evocative language and strong character development.

We do NOT publish nonfiction, YA, poetry, short stories, or children's books.

You are not required to have agent representation to submit.

Please see our full submission guidelines below, and follow them carefully to be considered for publication.​


  • While we expect manuscripts to be completed at time of submission, please send only the first 3 chapters for our review. We may follow up to request the entirety of the book for further review shortly after reviewing your sample. If your book is not yet complete, please do not submit until you have completed it; if you are unable to send the complete book if requested, we cannot move forward.

  • Please upload a cover letter (max 1 page, MS Word file only) with a little bit about yourself (including social media handles – please note that follower count is not taken into consideration of acceptance), and a summary of your book with your proposed elevator pitch. Please save your cover letter as LASTNAME_COVERLETTER.doc (or .docx).

  • ​Manuscript samples should be uploaded as a MS Word file only (.doc or .docx), size 12 pt font, double-spaced Arial or Times New Roman. Please save your submission as LASTNAME_TITLE.doc (or .docx).

  • Please allow 3-4 weeks for our review. We will contact you by email whether or not we wish to move forward.​ (Please check Spam folders.)

Submissions are currently closed as we review manuscripts. Please continue editing your work and check back in October, or subscribe to Mallory Cywinski’s email newsletter below to hear about our next open submission window.